Vasil Nikolov
Hello All,
For this week, our lecturer had given us the task to build a house in order to get used to the basic tools that I will need to use for my coursework.
For the task, we needed to grasp two major tools:
-The extrude tool, which provides the user with the power to change the size of a certain area of the model
-Edit Mesh--->Add Divisions tool, which, empowers the user to split one object into a grid of as many vertexes as s/he wishes to have for his/her model.
The final bit was getting used to the extra setting that you could use for highlighting, which illuminated on the screen when a user held the right mouse button for a slightly longer period than usual.
The first picture is of the design that should have come out.
The picture above is of the final result that I had achieved. I had taken the liberty to modify the design of the roof, added a door and then add a little garage on the side. It was quite interesting to use the tools that were necessary to build the house, however, there were some challenges (Especially with the edge connection between them). Nevertheless, this task was very helpful as learning to use these sets of skills, provide me with the opportunity create a model of an item. The extrude function can be used in the creation of the iluminator screen of the tie fighter, which would make the build faster and probably lighter than letting it done in a separate way.
Overall, it was quite fun to make the house as I learned the hard way about the edge smoothing option that the numbers 1, 2 and 3 provide...At one point, I had accidentally pressed the 2 button, which smoothed the house (making it look like a hobbit hole, without the mountain).
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