Thursday 3 November 2016

Model Build: Adding the finishing touches to the Tie

Finishing touches
Vasil Nikolov

And thus begins the final addition of the tie fighter accessories.
The first optional extra that this fighter received was the lock on radar. While some may argue that this molded trapezoid is an unimportant addition as there are all ready weapons, my animation will contain a scene with a close up on the front and cannons preparing to fire. 
The image below portrays the addition of the ion engines and energy reactor which is consisted of 2 cubes that were re-scaled to be thinner and look like extra plating. If this had to be re-done an improved way would be to bind the two objects into one in order to save on the memory that will be required by the CPU.
Overall, the build of the model was overly satisfying as the skills that were honed in the in-class exercises paid off in the end and provided me with a detailed model of the  Imperial fighter.

I honestly cannot wait until tomorrow so I can start my next model.

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